Oct 4, 2024

The Evolution of Consent Management in Data Sharing Platforms

Consent management has evolved from passive to user-controlled, reflecting growing demands for data transparency and trust in digital platforms.

The Evolution of Consent Management in Data Sharing Platforms

Executive Summary

  • Consent management has evolved from non-existent in Web1 to dynamic and user-controlled in Web3. Nearly 90% of internet users now demand greater transparency on data usage.
  • Web2 introduced opt-in systems and regulations like GDPR, which fined companies €1.2 billion in its first year.
  • Web3 empowers users to manage and revoke consent in real-time, with solutions expected to grow by 24% annually over the next decade.
  • AI and machine learning have pushed businesses to adopt real-time consent, especially as data volume is set to increase by 40% per year.

1990s – Early 2000s: Web1 – Passive, Implied Consent

In Web1, the internet was static, with few interactive elements, and user consent was essentially non-existent.

  • Implied Consent: Websites collected data using cookies without notification. By 1999, 70% of websites had tracking mechanisms in place without explicit consent.
  • No Legal Oversight: At this time, 90% of businesses didn’t inform users about data usage. Privacy concerns were virtually unheard of.
  • User Trust: According to a 1998 study, only 20% of users were aware their data was being collected. This lack of transparency eroded early trust in internet platforms.

The absence of regulations or awareness left businesses free to collect and use user data without any accountability.

2000s – 2010s: Web2 – The Rise of Data Sharing and Regulation

Web2 introduced dynamic content and user-generated data, significantly increasing data collection and the need for regulation.

  • Opt-In Consent: By 2010, 85% of websites required users to actively agree to share data, but 90% of users ignored long terms of service agreements.
  • Data Breaches: Major breaches like Yahoo’s 2014 breach (affecting 3 billion users) and Equifax (2017), where 147 million users were compromised, brought data privacy to the forefront.
  • Regulatory Milestones: Laws like GDPR (2018) and CCPA (2020) imposed strict penalties, including fines of up to 4% of global turnover, which translated to €746 million for Amazon’s GDPR breach.
  • User Trust: Despite these regulations, 60% of consumers still felt that businesses were unclear about how their data was being used, as per PwC’s 2019 study.

The rise of interactive platforms made it clear that more stringent consent mechanisms were required, but users continued to feel overwhelmed by complex and opaque data-sharing agreements.

2020s and Beyond: Web3 – Decentralization and User Empowerment

Web3 introduces a decentralized structure, giving users unprecedented control over their data.

  • Consent: By 2025, the use of consent management is projected to grow by 24% annually, providing transparency and security. Consent records stored immutably ensure that 90% of data exchanges are verifiable and tamper-proof.
  • Smart Contracts: Smart contracts allow real-time consent control, enabling users to revoke data access instantly. Platforms like Ocean Protocol have enabled over 1 million dynamic consent transactions using blockchain.
  • Decentralized Identity: Decentralized identity solutions, such as SelfKey, allow users to manage specific data points, with 30% of global businesses expected to adopt decentralized identity management by 2028.
  • User Trust Restored: With real-time control over consent, 80% of users report higher trust in decentralized platforms than centralized ones, according to Forbes.

Web3’s decentralization enables businesses to embrace transparency while giving users full control over their data, shifting the power dynamic that defined Web2.

The Impact of AI and Machine Learning on Consent (2020s and Beyond)

AI and machine learning have significantly increased data collection and processing speeds, requiring more dynamic consent mechanisms.

  • AI-Driven Data Collection: With 40% annual growth in data volume, AI-powered platforms process data in real-time, which can complicate traditional consent mechanisms.
  • Privacy-Preserving AI: Techniques like federated learning allow AI models to operate on user data without direct access, ensuring compliance with consent agreements. According to McKinsey, 85% of AI platforms will integrate privacy-preserving AI by 2030.
  • Dynamic Consent and revocation: AI platforms increasingly demand flexible consent solutions that update in real-time as data is processed. 60% of businesses using AI report challenges in maintaining consent compliance due to evolving data flows. Future-state architectures of data need to include compliant mechanisms that allow for the compartmentalization of data, with “revocability” as a standard. 

The rise of AI requires companies to move beyond static consent models to real-time, adaptive systems to ensure user trust and regulatory compliance.

The Role of User Trust in the Evolution

User trust has always been a key factor in shaping consent management practices.

  • Web1: Only 20% of users trusted websites with their personal information, largely due to the hidden nature of data collection.
  • Web2: Data breaches and opaque terms of service led to a decline in user trust. A 2017 study showed 60% of users distrusted online platforms due to unclear consent practices.
  • Web3: Trust is being restored through decentralization, with 80% of users expressing higher confidence in such platforms.

Restoring and maintaining user trust is crucial for the success of any consent management system, especially in a decentralized digital landscape.


  1. Verizon Data Breach Report
  2. Deloitte Consumer Trust Survey
  3. GDPR Fine Report
  4. Cisco Data Privacy Benchmark Study
  5. Ocean Protocol Whitepaper
  6. McKinsey AI Privacy Report

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